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When Should I Call for Attic Insulation Removal Services?

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When Should I Call for Attic Insulation Removal Services?

Call for Attic Insulation Removal Services | Attic Cleaning Pleasanton, CA

When it is time to remove the old attic's insulation you should call for professionals to do so without delay. It is crucial for your health, for the preservation of the things you've stored upstairs, for your ability to control the temperature in the house, and for the hygienic condition of the entire home. Professionals will completely remove all trace of the old layer, clean up the whole area, and make sure it is ready for the new material. But when exactly should you call for such a service? Here are a few tips to help you decide.

When You Realize that The House Has Much More Dust than it Should

When the attic's insulation isn't fully effective it usually allows dust to come in through it. If you notice that only one day after you've dusted the house's furniture it is covered with dust again, you might consider the prospect that your attic's insulation isn't fully sealed anymore. Meaning, it is probably time to replace it.

When a Windy Night Sounds Like A Horror Movie

If the insulation upstairs is worn out, you will be able to hear the wind at some point and it won't be pleasant, to say the least. It will happen on a windy night, when you'll be able to hear the wind howling through the insulation's cracks, gaps, and holes. For some it may be scary, while for others it will simply be annoying. Either way, it will disturb your quiet nights and steal away your sleep.

When Water Drips Through the Ceiling

If you notice water dripping through your house's ceiling, it is safe to assume that the insulation is damaged. If water is able to get through it, it means that there are holes and gaps big enough to the point where the existing layer is no longer effective. This is a strong sign for you regarding the state of the insulation.

When You Sense a Bad Smell Coming from the Attic

This is a more serious state, one that indicates that not only is the insulation worn-out, but also that the attic might be infected with mold, bacteria and such. If this happens with one or more of the other signs mentioned above, you should call professionals immediately. Neglecting this situation might lead to even more severe situations that might affect your family's health.

Don't wait around for trouble to come knocking on your door – contact us today!


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Mar 29, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
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